Monday, August 21, 2017


On this, the day of the big eclipse, I resume my work teaching for the fall semester. The fact of that keeps popping up and slapping me with cold panic. I am not ready. Don't know if I'll ever be ready. Things aren't as easy as they were before. I used to sit and curriculum ideas would come to me. I just recorded them in syllabus, and, poof!, all done. These days, all I get is a blank screen. Well more static than anything. I have to put effort into getting what I need to do my work, earn a living. Aye, it's time to step it up, bring more A game, to boldly go where no dilettante has gone before. I'll have to learn some new tricks, pick up some new habits. That's a tough one for this body, the one that decided long ago he would never try too hard at anything. This is new territory, this dark and unexplored poorly lit place with no easy path. Bit by bit, I know the light will reveal what waits there for me, will point the way through, part the waters. 

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