Monday, October 23, 2017

Little Darlings

Note to self: it's time to murder the little darlings. Now, some of you might find that cruel, crass, and insensitive. But you have to understand that this is war. The war is between honesty and lies, truth and deception, hope and bitterness. They have to die. There is no way around it. Just who are they you ask? They are the self-aggrandizing fears of an egoic mind. They are the chains and loops of chatter that say you are owed a living, that others are responsible for your misery, that you are better than they because you are special. You are special, of course, just not in the way you think. You are special in that you can give rather than just take all the time, that you have exactly what the world needs if you can just get off your ass and give it away. It's what you are called to do, and you know what it is. The little darlings are the excuses you make to sit at home on your hands and hope that you will not die. If you just wait, you think, the time will be right. Well the time will never be better than it is right now and your fear is what is killing you. Time to move on in spite of the terror that you might catch fire doing what is it is you most dread doing, what it is you know you came here to do.

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