Wednesday, February 28, 2018

When the Going Gets Weird

You are tempted to look back to see where it all went wrong. Some value there, for sure, but you can't linger in the coulda-shoulda-mighta world of maybe and regret. Sorry, friend, but you won't find the path by looking back or to the side, where you see the others all pulling ahead and you fall into a funk of compare. Your lesson lies in front, out there in the great big you-have-no-idea. Though you may not believe it, your path is the way into the land of even weirder. You have begun the twist of weird and have tasted a tad of that. There is more, though, much more. You have no idea of the depth, where the bottom is, because there is no bottom, only your willingness to go forward. Listen and learn, beloved. It's right there in the space between, the perfect note you are longing to play. Feel the pull and pull back the curtain. Weirder things have happened, have yet to happen. Your turn.

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