Saturday, April 21, 2018

Livin' By the Laws

So, my dear, tired wanderer, you are sad about how things have turned out. That is one way to respond to how you have been perceived by others. And you know that the key to the future rests in aligning your hands, your heart, your mind, with your actions. Your actions. Actions, you must remember, work the alchemical laws of how your life will proceed from here. The veil in front of you, keeping you from creating the life you want, can be pierced only by courage, love, and passion made visible by what you do. It is the way of things. You must calm your fears, quiet the voices that say no, find your serene, vibrant source that does not fear death, place your foot firmly on the base of that foundation, and then take that first step. If you can breathe, you will soon find yourself running, and the world will swirl around you, now a cascading river of light.

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