Monday, May 7, 2018

Eight Hundred

With this entry, I tally up 800 blog posts. That, for most of you, is of little interest and not an occasion worth noting. For me, however, it marks not only a nice round number but also a turning point from my life as a teacher to what I still don't know. I hope that I will become more of a writer, now free from the burdens that go along with gainful employment. I'll be hungrier, so that should stimulate some desert-inspired lunacy. Likely I will still wake up at 4:30, claw my way to First Coffee, mull over the bony grist of my life, and then launch off on whatever it is that seems worth saying. For those of you still listening, I thank you. Here's to the next 800, God willing. May they tell a little story or two about love, life, and testify to the magic of the word. Cheers!


  1. May the stories, poems, and musings just keep coming. Your life is a masterpiece, Erec, my dear. ♥️

  2. Writing becomes much easier when you are not rubbing shoulders with perceived potential critics.
