Friday, February 28, 2020

The Three-Headed Monster With No Name

As we watch the stock market dive and the presidential debates heat up, it seems that things have gotten a bit… well … intense.  I hate to say it, but these issues are not even half of the story. We are standing on the precipice of an abyss, and a monster with three heads stands ready and waiting to push us off. The problem here is that this monster has no name because media and candidates at the podium barely mention the threats it poses; no one wants to talk about it. He stands there, aloof and off the popular radar. One head, the one with power to immediately send us into the stone age, is the threat of nuclear war. Trump has made it his business to undo treaties and to heighten the threat so that we are closer to midnight on the Doomsday Clock than we have been in history. The second head is global warming. Yes, it is that bad, and we may have gone too far into rising temperatures to reverse anything. Yet the words “global warming” and “climate change” are redacted from official government reports on the subject. Finally, there is that pesky income inequality. The world’s 4,000 or so billionaires now own more wealth than the bottom 4.6 BILLION (60% of world’s population) people. That gap translates into global control of message and government policies. It’s time to care about what to do about this monster, I think, even if no one wants to talk about it.  

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