It's calm now, moon past full, still high among the lingering storm clouds.
I walk a narrow path in the wolf hour as song dogs sing.
It's time to go deep, down into the hole in my heart to meet the demons and angels dwelling there, to connect with the flow of energy surging through me and all things.
The years of trying to please and get it right have ended. I let those stories go and travel light, my senses tuned to the urge calling me forward, up and out of my habits, my confining skin.
The work now is about descending, settling, parting the veil between this world and the mystery of spirit.
It's not the sun I long for, but the velvet skies of midnight
Stars are my company, my guides.
I am coming, my lost and exiled soul.
I gather up my staff, shed all that is unnecessary, and travel north to find you, trusting that my feet will find this strange, invisible path.
Faith is braided into the weary bones, tired eyes, and slow steps.
My heart knows the way.
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