Tuesday, February 27, 2018


There will come a day when you are seen for what you did that was right, who you were in the eyes of those who needed your help. The ones who blocked your path, who, out of fear, flung petty insults and ganged up to cast a shadow over your light, will face the cost of their meanness. That is not your concern. Your having taken the hard path will earn you peace. Your broken heart will beat again. What was hard to see will shine, and yes, you will drink from the pool of integrity. The earthly limits will loosen and fall away as you rise. But not yet, dear one. Not yet. There is still work to do, and you must remember. Remember that you are on this place but not fully of this place. You will learn to love the earth so deeply that you will not want to leave, to let it go. It is only then that you will be ready, worthy. 

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