Monday, April 2, 2018

Show Up. Channel Your Inner Beaver.

They are restless, all those tasks you have to attend to. You know, the meetings, the classes, the grading, the never-ending paperwork, the chore to get the house rented, the packing for the rest of your life. It's a long list for sure, and you need to corral all those unruly responsibilities by scheduling them. Just put them down on your calendar and then walk through your days trying to quiet your restless mind. You know it is not enrolled in this whole thing, all the planning that must be done to get your sorry ass out of your job and on into the summer and beyond. You have to override your desires to run -- to panic -- and settle down. Just settle down and show up, like a little beaver who wants nothing more than to work all day, every day. That is the way, little beaver, the way. 

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