Thursday, March 2, 2017


If you had told me a few years ago that I would be doing what I'm up to these days I would have said you were nuts. I mean, I have been driving back and forth to Phoenix most every Thursday (after a full day teaching and attending meetings) for three months, been giving up Saturdays to the prison and to workdays in Phoenix, been talking to English faculty at the UA about the prison project, and calling meetings in bars for people interested in helping out, been calling DOC wardens trying to get passes for grad students who want to join the workshops. All of that is way outside my comfort zone. There is a book in the works, maybe a film, and I get to ride the wave of good vibes in the workshops. Dare I say I feel love, feel that I am up to what I really want to be up to in spite of my self-imposed limits to going after what it is I want out of this life? Of, course, I am a bit tired, a bit sore from stretching so far. But when I look around and see what fills my days, I am surprised if not astonished. Wow! Hey, it can happen. 

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