Monday, March 12, 2018

If Anybody Asks

Tell them I took a walk into the dangerous land of ideas. I did not mean to get lost, to never return, but that is the way it goes sometimes. I tried to send messages back, but the pigeons got mauled by hawks and the dolphins were caught in illegal drift nets. At night, I concentrated and tried to send word telepathically, thinking that love would somehow cut the distance between us. The ideas, though, they shimmered and danced. While not flesh and blood, we did love each other. They tried to feed me what I needed, and that worked, in part. My body gradually atrophied and dried up, leaving my little brain a glowing orb. My heart still beat for you, and I kept a direct line between it and all those thoughts. I tried to fuse them together, the ideas and love, but the connections kept snapping. I was left with a pile of rough drafts. They are worthless to others, of course. But, now, at this point of departure, they are all I have to leave you, paltry legacy that they are.

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