Saturday, March 24, 2018

To the Trolls, Haters, Creeps, and Angry White Men

Your unhappiness is not the fault of others who have much less than you and now want to taste a larger life. Your error is directing your pent up rage at the ones who remind you of your shame. The real enemy is the one inside of you. It is the shadows of you exiled deep within that push you to build walls, take up arms. It has made you grotesque, ugly, mean; it has mired you in the land of "us and them," of separation. That is not who you really are. Those others are fathers, mothers, children -- born with the same inalienable right to live and find peace that you were given. Your fear has made you obese, tight, proud, armored and angry. That is the enemy you will have to confront if you will ever know fulfillment or happiness. There is room for all if you carve from your wound a piece of generosity of spirit, make peace with what will never be, forgive yourself. You can learn, if you listen, to see in the other the same desires that make you bow in humility, light a candle for what was good in the loves you lost.

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